Once a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea has been made, we evaluate the airway using a rhinometer and pharyngometer: two simple, painless, accurate machines located on-site at Sleep Apnea HQ. They transmit sound waves into the airways, identifying the location of obstructions. This helps to establish whether an oral appliance is the optimal treatment for sleep apnea in your case.

There are a number of sleep apnea treatment options available. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the leading body of sleep physicians, has identified dental sleep devices as the gold standard of treatment for sleep apnea in mild to moderate cases, based on over 15 years of published scientific evidence.

At Sleep Apnea HQ, we use a range of premium dental appliances such as the Airway Eze or SomnoDent Mandibular Advancement Splints, which reposition the lower jaw to prevent the collapse of tissues into the airway. These custom-fitted, fully-adjustable sleep apnea treatments are highly effective, comfortable to wear, and avoid negative side effects.

For severe cases, treatment for sleep apnea may involve use of a CPAP machine. This consists of a mask and hose attached to a machine that continuously pumps air through the nose. While it can be one of the effective sleep apnea solutions, it is often noisy and uncomfortable.

In some severe cases, surgery can be performed. However, this is infrequent nowadays as results are less predictable, and side effects can occur.

If you want to wake up and feel like new, sleep apnea treatment with a dental appliance could well be the solution to your problems. Call Sleep Apnea HQ today to book a consultation with our leading sleep dentist.
