Excellent treatment relies on an accurate diagnosis. At Sleep Apnea HQ, we understand that every patient is different, so we take the time to understand your case on an individual basis.

Sleep apnea may be either central or obstructive. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by partial or complete blockage of the airway during sleep. Central sleep apnea symptoms result when the brain fails to send the correct signals to the muscles that control breathing. Approximately 95% of sleep apnea cases are obstructive.

You and your partner are usually the first to identify the signs of sleep apnea. Some sleep apnea symptoms include intermittent snoring, waking gasping or choking, fragmented light sleep, reflux, poor memory, irritability, morning headaches, clumsiness, teeth grinding, bed wetting (in children), depression, anxiety, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

If some or all of these symptoms of sleep apnea sound familiar, call Sleep Apnea HQ today: it might make more difference than you can imagine.

While sleep apnea symptoms in men and women are the same, there are different levels of risk between the two groups. In particular, older, obese men are at higher risk, though it affects people of all ages, shapes and sizes, and both genders.

Formulating a sleep apnea diagnosis involves an overnight sleep study. If testing indicates obstructive sleep apnea, airway evaluation is then used to determine the best treatment to allay your symptoms.

Sleep apnea can significantly affect your long term mental and physical health, so don’t delay: seek advice from Sleep Apnea HQ now.
